AP Government Update for March15

This is an unprecedented time in American and world history.  Things are changing day by day and minute by minute.  The only thing for certain at this point is that there will be no school until March 27 and that seems to be optimistic.  I'm sure that most of you have been trying to follow the news.

I have no information about the AP Exam, but here is the update that the AP organization has posted on its website.

As of noon on Sunday, I have no information on work to be assigned other than the ice packets.  I will be assigning Khan Academy assignments that should be completed by the end of the day of March 23.  This will be material that will be needed to be covered for the exam.  Please take this seriously.

I will also be posting materials each day Monday through Friday on this website.  I will not be posting a link each day, just check in each day. 

I do not know for certain when I have to report to the school, but I continue to have internet access.  Send a message through LiveGrades, email rzukowsk@k12.wv.us, or call my extension at the school at 304-265-3046 ext 3201.

Feel free to let me know if you have any concerns about anything and I can relay them to administration or counseling.


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