AP Gov Update for February 5-9
***Current Events for the second half of the alphabet is due on Monday. Grading Period 4, Current Events #3
***You can still earn extra credit for viewing the movie "The Post" in theaters. You must have a one-page review and how it impacts government and America. You must turn this in by Wednesday.
***There will be another opportunity for extra credit. There will be a viewing of "Heroin(e)" at Buffalo Flats on February 16 at 6:30 p.m. More info will be given in the future.
Here is the schedule for the week:
***You can still earn extra credit for viewing the movie "The Post" in theaters. You must have a one-page review and how it impacts government and America. You must turn this in by Wednesday.
***There will be another opportunity for extra credit. There will be a viewing of "Heroin(e)" at Buffalo Flats on February 16 at 6:30 p.m. More info will be given in the future.
Here is the schedule for the week:
- Watch Crash Course 6: Congressional Elections and take notes
- Complete EQ Notes 11-2 What are the principal factors of Congressional Elections?
- Read pages 370-374 for Tuesday
- Chapter 11 Vocabulary Check - use textbook definitions
- EQ 11-3 How do the Senate and House differ?
- Read pages 374 to 381 for Wednesday
- Crash Course 7: How committees work
- EQ 11-4 How do Congressional committees and staffs work?
- Crash Course 8: Congressional Leadership
- Complete activity detailing Congressional leadership.
- Turn in Total Recall assignment
- Work with QR codes on Congressional Committees
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