
Last Hoorah before the AP GOV Exam!

This is the last hoorah before the AP American Government and Politics Exam.  You all have been preparing for this exam all year and I wish you the best tomorrow.  If you need any last-minute pointers, let me know and I'll give you advice. You will need to log on using your exam ticket at about 3:30 on Monday, May 11.  You will need to log into a demo exam to check and see if your device is compatible.  The exam will start at 4:00 p.m. and will ultimately be over by 4:50. I have posted a video to tell you all "Hoorah" and best wishes on the exam. I do not have any assignments for you this week.  But I hope you take the time to turn in some things and include your reply to the Flipgrid video .  I would like to see your face and hear your voice. This was supposed to be your last week as a senior in school, and I truly miss this annual ritual.  It should have been a once in a lifetime ritual for you.  Let me know if there is anything I can do...

Cram for the Exam on C-SPAN May 9

RAM FOR THE EXAM WITH  C-SPAN As a reminder, this Saturday, May 9 we will host two segments to help students prepare for the AP US History and AP US Government and Politics exams. For both segments, our panel of expert teachers will provide students with study strategies and ideas on how to prepare for the unique changes to this year's AP exams. Students will have the opportunity to call-in, tweet and email questions that they would like our guests to discuss. Watch the program LIVE on  C-SPAN  or  C-SPAN .org Or listen LIVE on the go with the  C-SPAN  Radio App  (available for iOS & Android devices) Students may Tweet questions they'd like answered to  @cspanwj , post on  Facebook , or via email  journal@ c-span .org . Twitter Hashtag for AP U.S. History students:  #APUSHCRAM Twitter Hashtag for AP U.S. Gov & Politics students:  #CSPANCram4Exam Students may also call-in during the program but please...

AP Gov Assignments May 4-8

Information will be sent out soon in regards to returning textbooks to the school and to clean out lockers.  There will be assigned times posted through LiveGrades, telephone calls, and social media. I hope everyone has been following messages on LiveGrades and your school email.  The most important thing right now is that all assignments for Seniors are due by May 13.  I will continue to create assignments this week and next.   Some of you have made great efforts to increase your grade and I applaud that. 1.  View these videos from the AP College Board 2.  Review videos from Carey LaManna. 4.  Review using Khan Academy.  I have added activities including Civil Liberties.  Complete by May 4. Civil Rights review using Khan Academy.  Complete by May 11 11:59 pm. 5.  May 6 – 1:30 pm – Online Teams session to review Unit 1 – Complete APGOPO Required Documents  on the Exam OneDrive folder. Reminder that the AP...

AP Gov Assignments for April 27 - May 1

We are heading into may this week.  It was confirmed last week what we really did not want to happen, that is to end the school year without going back to the schools. Here is what I want you to do.  I have created a Flipgrid and I want you to view the video I posted.  Then I want you to click the green button and create a short video telling me how you are doing.  It would be great to see familiar faces! Here are the activities: Continue to watch the YouTube videos from the  AP College Board Continue watching review videos from  Carey LaManna.   Review Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 from the AMSCO book.  Complete at least one FRQ from chapters 7, 8, and 9.  They should be FRQ 1 and 4 from each chapter.  You should have 3 FRQs finished when you submit.     Complete the Presidency review on Khan Academy by April 27 at 11:59 pm.  Start working on Civil Liberties review on Khan Academy by May 4 at 11:59 p.m. T...

AP Gov Assignments for April 20-24

This update will be much shorter than last week. Here are the activities: Continue to watch the YouTube videos from the AP College Board Continue watching review videos from Carey LaManna.   Review Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 from the AMSCO book.  Complete at least one FRQ from chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6.  They should be FRQ 1 and 4.  You should have 4 FRQs finished when you submit.     Complete the Congress review on Khan Academy by April 20 at 11:59 pm.  Start working on Presidential review on Khan Academy by April 27 at 11:59 p.m. There will be a review session on Unit 2 on Teams video session Wednesday, April 22 at 1:30 p.m.  Please complete the Unit 2 review on OneDrive.   Mrs. Shumaker has asked all Seniors to complete these two forms:    Post Secondary Plans and Transcript request.

AP Gov Assignments for April 13-17

Information about "Absentee" voting for the West Virginia Primary Election: Recently, Governor Justice announced that the primary election has been moved to June 9 due to COVID-19 and has worked with the WV Secretary of State's office to expand absentee voting so voters do not have to risk going to voting precincts.  Traditionally, absentee voting is usually limited to those would be out of the area during the early election or regular election time. All registered voters should have received from the county clerk's office a request in the mail.  If you fill this out and mail it by June 3, you should receive the absentee ballot in the mail and then mail it back to the county clerk's office.   Contact the county clerk's office at 304-265-1401 or to contact the Taylor County Clerk. This website has information about voting in West Virginia.   The deadline to register to vote or update four registration for the 2020 Primary Election i...

AP Gov Assignments for April 6-10

This would have been our brief Spring Break in which there would have been a shortened school day on Wednesday and no school on Thursday and Friday. Remember, there is internet access outside of each school. We had several students participate in the Teams video call last week.  There were several questions about the AP exam.  This was just a check-in to see how everyone is doing.  On Tuesday at 1:30, we will have another online meeting to discuss the AP Exam and essential components of Unit I.  Our Superintendent of Schools,  Christy Miller, was recently interviewed by Unleashed Tygart  in a YouTube video.  Her interview answers many concerns of the community. You should have completed sample MCQ and FRQ from the College Board last week. Here are the assignments for the week (Remember this are enrichment activities and will not count against you). These activities are located on school email and the class OneNote: 1.  View these videos...