As we move into December, we mourn the passing of our 41st President, George H.W. Bush. We will also start looking at Congress and the role of that institution in creating laws and its role in policy. Here is the agenda for the week: Monday: There is a modified schedule today due to the wrestling match. ($2) The second half of the alphabet turn in Current Events assignments. This is Grading Period 3, Current Events #2. There will be a new Preamble for this week. You are going to complete the activities you need to complete your chapter packet. We will complete #4 as a class. Read this document about the 115th Congress by Wednesday. Tuesday: Preamble Chapter 9 Test Chapter 11 Vocabulary Read pages 358 to 369 for Wednesday. Wednesday: Preamble Introduction to Congress EQ Notes 11-1/11-2 - Demographics of Congress and Elections Read pages 370-374 for Thursday Thursday: Preamble Review PIPS - there will be...